The corporate philosophy of Canon is kyosei. Which would be defined as “Living and working together for the common good,” but Canon’s definition is broader: “All people, regardless of race, religion or culture, harmoniously living and working together into the future.”
The principles of Kyosei formed the basis of framing several policies and management concepts. Under Canon's corporate philosophy of kyosei, the range of Canon's social and cultural support activities has expanded to cover such areas as humanitarian aid and disaster relief, conservation of the environment, social welfare, local communities, education and science, and art, culture and sports. In the past several years, many parts of the world have suffered natural disasters. In response, Canon has made and collected monetary donations, while its employees have volunteered in a range of support activities, including visiting afflicted areas to offer assistance. In its activities, Canon's support provides ongoing assistance to people and organizations in need. Canon will continue to make the best possible use of the resources it has built up over many years, such as its personnel, capital, technologies and foundation, working as a good corporate citizen to tackle problems and contributing to a society in which all people can live their lives to the fullest.
Canon's corporate philosophy guided the company's operations and its behavior toward its employees, partners, customers, competitors, environment and the communities in which it operated. By practicing the philosophy, Canon was globally recognized as one of the most socially responsible corporate citizens.