Monday, February 21, 2011

Wk4: The Marketing Environment

Since Canon Inc. is larger that just cameras, Canon's target market is world wide, to any race, and to any gender. So to be specific, i'll tell you bout the field of Professonal Photography. Canon's digital SLR and EOS has thrown a good competition to all its competitors.

Their lightweight yet robust mid-range SLR and EOS cameras complement a reliable flash system and shutter speed that is key to successful Events or Wedding Photography. Combined with the additional Speedlite battery pack most lighting and power issues will be eliminated, allowing the photographer to concentrate on capturing the action. However, to really stand out from the crowd, Canon uses the latest WiFi adapters to instantly transmit images to a print station or a projector to display images as you shoot. This will identify you as a true professional. Capturing and reproducing stunning detail with confidence, whatever your field is in Photography. Canon also has cameras out there for just point and shoot people that would like high quality photographs.

Canon's digital SLR or EOS has followed all the marketing techniques during its product launch. For example Canon understood that their digital cameras falls in niche marketing and the target audience varies. Moreover, the main thing to bring its product into the lime light is to apply the right strategy model and promotion. Target Audience plays a very important role in marketing strategy and Canon markets its cameras in various ways. People want what celebreties want and people want to take great pictures like celebreties. So Canon advertises its cameras with celebreties in comercials, by simply showing their product in an eye capturing magazine ad that photographers (ametures and experts) would get, and by having posters in stores where people would purchase a camera. In the marketing environment, Canon strives to be on top and succeeds when they reach its target market to buy their product.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wk3: continued

Following its corporate philosophy of Kyosei, Canon is working to provide support tailored to the needs of local communities.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Wk3: Canon Inc.'s Ethics and Social Responsibility

The corporate philosophy of Canon is kyosei. Which would be defined as “Living and working together for the common good,” but Canon’s definition is broader: “All people, regardless of race, religion or culture, harmoniously living and working together into the future.”

The principles of Kyosei formed the basis of framing several policies and management concepts. Under Canon's corporate philosophy of kyosei, the range of Canon's social and cultural support activities has expanded to cover such areas as humanitarian aid and disaster relief, conservation of the environment, social welfare, local communities, education and science, and art, culture and sports. In the past several years, many parts of the world have suffered natural disasters. In response, Canon has made and collected monetary donations, while its employees have volunteered in a range of support activities, including visiting afflicted areas to offer assistance. In its activities, Canon's support provides ongoing assistance to people and organizations in need. Canon will continue to make the best possible use of the resources it has built up over many years, such as its personnel, capital, technologies and foundation, working as a good corporate citizen to tackle problems and contributing to a society in which all people can live their lives to the fullest.

Canon's corporate philosophy guided the company's operations and its behavior toward its employees, partners, customers, competitors, environment and the communities in which it operated. By practicing the philosophy, Canon was globally recognized as one of the most socially responsible corporate citizens.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III

My second baby I'll save up for ^_^
Yes. She's B-E-A-UTIFUL too! :D

Canon EOS 60D

  The baby I'm saving up for first! ^_^
Isn't She beautiful? :D

Wk2: Canon's Strategic Planning

     Corporate planning has long been used by Canon Inc. One of the reasons for the excellent performance of the company is the quality of the strategies which was formulated through its corporate planning process. Intensive planning involving in-house development and resource structure strengthening is associated with the introduction of every new product. The corporate plan has two parts: the long-range strategy and the medium-range plan. The management uses a computer simulation to model future results of their long-range strategy and medium-range plans as it also puts together other sub-systems of the total corporate plan.
     Canon's strategies have been very effective in balancing growth of market share with profitability. Cannon's strategic challenges involved identifying the markets in which it intended to compete and developing competitive advantages to allow the firm to balance market share and profitability growth within these markets.
     The strategic planning¹ process at Canon appears to have relied on a SWOT analysis² to identify opportunities and threats, and the internal strengths and weaknesses of the firm that would allow it take advantage of the opportunities and avoid the threats.
     In 1996-2000, Canon’s focus on total optimization (making the most of its products) and profits, and a strong financial structure through cash flow management and the selection and concentration of business areas, a new corporate mindset was set. In 2001-2005, Canon aimed to become No.1 in all major business areas, so Canon kept the company in step with technological trends and strengthen product competitiveness through such measures as a shift to digital products. In 2006-2010, Canon aims to further strengthen its business constitution through such efforts as total supply chain management. Through the plan, Canon strives to become a truly excellent global company, joining the ranks of the world's top 100 companies.

¹Strategic Planning: The managerial process of creating and maintaining a fit between the organization’s objectives and resources and the evolving market opportunities.

²SWOT Analysis: Identifying internal Strengths (S) and Weaknesses (W) and also examining external Opportunities (O) and Threats (T).

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Wk1: Canon's Brief History & Mission Satement

Brief History

     It started in 1933 with a small laboratory dedicated to making high-quality cameras set up in a simple apartment room in the Roppongi area of Tokyo. At the time, all high-quality cameras were European.
Canon Inc. was founded August 10, 1937. Canon started out as a company with a handful of employees and a burning passion. However, the origins of its success remains unchanged: "the passion of our early years and technological expertise amassed over more than 60 years."

     After its founding, Canon worked hard in 1941 to diversifying itself with the introduction of Japan's first indirect X-ray camera and other products. In 1955, Canon made its first step into the global market with the opening of a U.S. office in New York City. In 1957, Canon set up its sole European distributor, Canon Europa, in Geneva, Switzerland. By 1967 exports already topped 50% of the company's total sales. In the 1960s, the company took further steps toward diversification with their electrical, physical and chemical technologies to its optical and precision technologies. In 1967, the management slogan "cameras in the right hand, business machines in the left" was unveiled and in 1969 the company changed its name from "Canon Camera Co., Inc." to "Canon Inc."
     By 1970, Canon grew to 44.8 billion yen in sales and more than 5,000 employees. But Canon fell on hard times. Like with every company, with every climax comes a downfall. So by the mid-1990s, the business division system that had been in place since the 1970s was showing signs of wear and Canon also carried debt of more than 840 billion yen. With this, it only meant that the company had to improve its "financial constitution."
     Fujio Mitarai became Canon's 6th company president in 1995, and in 1996 the Excellent Global Corporation Plan was launched. Transforming the corporate mindset from "partial" to "total" optimization and from a focus on "sales" to a focus on "profits", the new plan was the start of the innovations that characterize today's Canon Inc. 

Mission Statement

     Canon has successfully maintained a healthy business constitution through such efforts as thoroughly strengthening our supply-chain management, enabling us to make great strides towards the realization of a real-time management structure that allows the company to promptly respond to sudden changes in the global economic changes. While working to further raise management quality, Canon will strive to meet new challenges. Canon seeks to grow and prosper over the next 100, or even 200 years, and is committed to becoming a truly excellent global company who's admired and respected by the world. Canon will continue using its technologies to benefit people as it pursues its objective of becoming a company that is loved by people throughout the world.