Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Wk10: Product Concepts

      Canon has consistently focused on the realization of high picture quality as the performance of cameras and other recording equipment becomes more and more sophisticated. And Canon made its products suitable to be classified as "Consumer" and "Business" products. Major developments in the technology of photography have resulted from advances in optical and image recording technologies. Today's technology allows users to capture specific moments and realistically duplicate spatial effects and hues. Canon believes that imaging can do much more than just give a visual record of things; it can bring life to people's important memories.
      Canon's role is to help people relive their lasting memories as they saw it in their mind's eye instead of simply making a faithful reproduction of the scene.
Canon has been consistently involved in technological development that spans both the input and output of recorded information, and this is why the company is able to provide optimized services even within new network environments. "Canon is now aiming for a future in which people are able to realistically reproduce their thoughts and dreams at will through images and information, spanning time and space to facilitate creative fulfillment."
      Canon, through its continual pursuit of imaging technology, aspires to contribute to the advancement of society by expanding the dimensions and possibilities that are contained in images and information.

This year Canon will have its expo in Shanghai, China from May 19 - May 22 and Canon Publicity Embassador will be Jackie Chan. If you join him at the Canon EXPO 2011 in Shanghai you can touch a full range of Canon Products and enjoy a whole bunch of imaging experiences provided by Canon and also see the future imaging technologies under development.

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